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/ 10:20 pm / 24 November 2022 / Nope /

Have I paid off that debt yet?

I don’t think it grew as far as it should have for 9 weeks. Not that it matters. I’d rather lose it now than find out later that it was formed wrong & have to choose to terminate.

I want to remember that it happens to plenty of nice people who did nothing wrong.

I can’t wait to find out how much this is going to cost me.

It didn’t feel as intense as they make it sound. Maybe bc it didn’t grow enough, idk.

I guess the details don’t matter but it came out all in one piece, the whole sac or whatever and the entity inside. And being the person I am, I picked it open later and looked at the insides. I’m sure I saw the little yolk sac but the rest was just grey blob, maybe bc it was the next day. Anyway.

Maybe next time right

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